The time to help Ukraine is NOW.
Sponsor a Family: Build a one-to-one connection with a family in Ukraine to let them know you CARE. Use Telegram or WhatsApp to communicate and express your personal interest and support for a family in need. Send monthly “care packages” - gently used clothes, basics etc. Shipping estimated at $100/month- we can help with this.
Express your interest with Button.
The combined SHARE Ukraine is focused on the following:
Raising funds to support volunteer organizations in the areas of Ukraine closest to the front lines near Kharkiv.
Connecting American families with displaced families in Ukraine.
Working with the Ukrainian veterans’ administration, providing direct support to Ukrainian Gold Star families.
SHARE Ukraine will accept monetary donations, critical field, medical gear, and specific items of humanitarian nature.
Acting Locally. Helping Globally.
Regardless of your faith, please pray, if nothing else. Doing so helps us remember the horror and injustice facing the Ukraine nation and her people. Please read and reflect on Sam’s letters.
We channel every dollar collected into the organizations nominated and vetted by people on the front lines. Click here to donate via SHARE Detroit with 100% of proceeds sent to Ukrainian charities. We will communicate the most urgent and vital needs as seen through the lenses of your respective interest, faith, and social outlook.
There are roughly one million ethnic Ukrainians and 3.5 million people like Sam Rozenberg in the US. They are Russian speakers who escaped the Soviet Regime to build a new life here. Our hearts are broken and we are devastated by the raging War. Show us your support and take action. There are options for everyone.